Thursday, March 10, 2011

doctor's visits

We've had a booked schedule of doctor's visits! Here's the run-down:

I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight (yea! ...and finally) and I have a trial of prescription medication for sleeping. For about a year, I've been about 2 pounds over my before-baby weight, but since January, I've been walking Bella to and from daycare. It's across a long parking lot, but it's made a difference! Most days it's really easy and others it's really hard; imagine pushing a stroller and carrying a screaming and kicking toddler with lunch box and accessories.

Bella's ophthalmologist says she's one-of-a-kind! She's the only child he has seen who has iris trans-illumination that appears to have normal vision! It's not confirmed yet since she can't read, but we're pretty sure that everything will be ok. ...and if it isn't there isn't anything we can do about it (glasses won't fix it). She was a doll during the visit.

Bella's dentist says she might be missing some teeth. She has a very restricted upper frenulum (bumpy, hangy-down thing between her front teeth - think David Letterman or Madonna, but more) and is likely missing the teeth on either side of her two front teeth. X-rays next year will confirm this, but until then we just need to keep brushing! If those teeth are there, we'll make space and pull them down. If not, we'll get implants which were promised to be life-like by screwing them into her bone. Ugh. Sounds horrible and expensive. We'll just wait and see...and encourage smirky (tight-lipped) smiles so you don't see the holes in her mouth!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

She has the cutest smile - holes or not!!