Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finding Nemo

While visiting a friend we watched 'Finding Nemo' for the first time. We thought it was a good movie and we had a good time watching it on her big, flat screen tv. At night, with the lights off, it was beautiful!
A couple of weeks later, we passed an aquarium in the Galleria and Bella was mesmerized by the 'Nemo' or clown fish. We watched (and tried not to tap on the glass) while Bella said over and over "Nemo. Nemo? Nemo!" We didn't talk about Finding Nemo after we watched it initially, but Bella obviously remembered.
After prying her away I decided we needed our own copy of the movie and quickly ordered it online. Then I remembered that we don't have a dvd player. Dah! ...but remembered again a day later that we do have a tiny tv with a built in dvd player hidden away in the garage (if you saw our garage you would understand why things are forgotten). The disk arrived in the mail and I pulled out the mini-combo set.
Magic! Even though we watch the movie on a 5 inch x 5 inch screen, it's still beautiful. After a couple more views, I declared the movie extraordinary! ...and so does Bella.
Instead of cooking dinner or tidying up the house (like I thought I would do), I end up watching Nemo with Bella. We enjoy being "cared" (scared) of the shark and talking about "is him?" (Where is Nemo?). His daddy is "find" (finding/looking for) him.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You'll have to bring your "Nemo" movie and share with Grandma!!