Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lake Jacksonville

Over the hill and through the the lake house she goes! We visited Dan & Sandy in Lake Jacksonville this weekend. We all piled up in the car (the 3 of us + the 3 of them + Lucy (the 90 pound dog!). It was a fun road trip!
They don't call East Texas the Piney Woods for nothin'. The lake house is surrounded by beautiful pine, oak and dogwood trees.
A funny, licky shot
After much eying, Dan finally indulged the kids by playing the guitar. Bella thorougly enjoyed 'playing' along as Dan sang.
Later that night, Bella and Matt knocked 10 times on the dock to call the carp and catfish. They threw out tortillas to further entice the fish. Bella hollered for them too. "Fishies!"

Uncle John took us on a ride around the lake. Bella enjoyed sitting on the bow of the boat, feeling the wind through her hair (which is finally growing...sorta. we also got rid of the cradle cap...which we called "cradle crap").
Bella was a topsy-turvy driver, but that was ok. There wasn't much to hit in the middle of the lake!

Thank you to Dan & Sandy for making the weekend so relaxing. We enjoyed great food, great conversation and had great fun!


Carolyn said...

Good memories - we are missing you guys!!

Kelly said...

She is growing so quickly... Hope to see you soon:)

Unknown said...

Great Pictures.