Sunday, January 24, 2010

Almost walking

Bella is getting closer to walking. She is not standing on her own yet. Up to about a week or so ago she would plop down on her bottom and crawl a foot or two and then stand up again at the coffee table to reach for something. In the last few days, she has learned how to shuffle her feet sufficiently to move laterally while standing so she can make her way around the table on her feet. With a little help and a lot of encouragement, she has learned to use her little walker cart to make her way across the floor. Unfortunately, as soon as she sees the little red light on the camera, she forgets everything she is doing and has to try and get a hold of it.


We've been busy! Here's an update on all that's going on.

We're getting organized and prioritizing.

I kicked it off by going through my closet and drawers to get rid of everything that didn't fit or was ugly. When it was all said and done, I purged 4 large trashcan-sized bags of clothes. Some I took to the Buffalo Exchange for some cash and the rest went to Goodwill. I couldn't believe I still had thong underwear in the back of one of my drawers. I hardly wore it before and I'm certainly not going to wear it now!
Matt did his part by finding a box of socks in the attic and pitching half of the stained or holey socks. He also (with a LOT of help) purged paper. Bills and receipts from 2003 no longer need to be kept! He just loves to reminisce about the past. Before throwing the bill away, he had to tell me all about the dinner that was charged. He's still holding onto letters that he wrote via telegram from when we was at sea.
We're writing down the projects on post-its and posting them on the mirror in the bathroom. I know it's not the best to look at, but it keeps us focused.

I joined a gym! I'm the same weigh that I was when I came home from the hospital, nearly a year ago. Poor Penny and I have gained weight because we don't go running together anymore. Penny's on her own now (however, Matt walks her). I'm working on getting a routine for exercising before work but it's a challenge to coordinate it all with Bella, clothes, towel, toiletries and shoes. I've forgotten one of these things (not Bella) at least once which was frustrating. The semester officially starts tomorrow so I can't walk around barefoot or in running shoes anymore.

Bella is an ergo baby! I bought an ergo baby carrier and Bella loves it. It's much easier on my hand when she's strapped to me.

I have dequervain's tenosynovitis, which is an inflammation of the sheath of the tendon in my left hand/thumb/wrist. It is really painful and has been going on for while. I just thought I was carrying Bella too much, but I'm not. I get to go to a physical therapist to work on it and a hand surgeon after that (no surgery, just a steroid shot).

Bella's latest is to play peek-a-boo. She doesn't completely hide herself, just her own eyes. It reminds me of a moose hiding behind a tree (a moose it too big to hide itself behind a tree!). Anyway, she covers her eyes either with her hands or a toy, then *surprise*, she moves her hand or toy away and laughs and laughs. You don't even have to react because she'll still laugh hysterically. Of course, it much more fun if you play along. Her laughter is contagious. It's such a full laugh - I love it!

My laptop died...peacefully in it's sleep. It just won't turn on anymore. We're going to get some professional help to get it to turn on one last time to back up all the pictures, then we'll bury it. I'm not terribly bothered by it since Matt has 3 laptops and one netbook...except that they are all old and not mine.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday was my 35th birthday! I'm a third of the way to being 105 years old! I think that this second third is going to be the BEST!

Matt and I celebrated by going out to dinner. Matt rushed home from work and we were off to a nearby kid-friendly restaurant. We drank a glass of wine and ordered a great appetizer... then ordered the rest of our meal to-go. It's dramatic how different this year has been compared to the many others. The night before, Bella woke up at 2:30 am. She was inconsolable with Matt (he did try hard) so I held her awhile. I think she was really trying to be the first to wish me happy birthday.

Tonight I attempted to make myself a birthday cake. Matt gave me a fun peace sign cake pan so I wanted to try it out. I was a bit distracted while preparing. I cracked the eggs into the sink, instead of the bowl - dah! Fortunately, we had many more eggs to use. After mixing the ingredients and pouring it into the pan, I realized I forgot to add the oil - double dah! I poured in the oil on top of the mix and tried to blend it in when I smelled something funny. It really wasn't funny when I realized that Duchess pooped in the middle of the floor. That damn incontinent dog! I'm going to hope for sanity and continence in my older years.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking Back & Forward

Oh how things have changed this year!
Bella was born...
...and doesn't even look like this awkward, little baby anymore.
When the weather was nice, Dad took us on a field trip to see one of his boats.
Bella drooled during pictures, but still looked cute!
Bella and Matt cooled off in the water when the hot, humid, Houston weather became unbearable.
Bella learned to suck her thumb!
Bella enjoyed spending time with her cousin Jack. Jack & Bella were definitely stunned by the camera and all the adults acting crazy.
Bella learned to crawl...
...and pull herself up to become more adventurous.
To make Matt proud, Bella began eating meat (not really from the rib bone, but from baby food).
Bella learned how to open presents by tearing the paper.

It has been one ever-changing year! We have loved watching Bella change and grow up.

Looking forward, we have made resolutions to sleep better, eat better and exercise.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

post holiday

Bella reached and reached for those ornaments and finally succeeded (or did Grandpa help?) at touching a bright, shiny ornament.
Ellie waited at the back door for Penny to come play (i.e. dig holes and kill rabbits), but Penny wasn't allowed. She's developed an allergy to something and turns into Rudolph when she's out for awhile. Literally, Penny's nose turns red and bloody. Her undercoat is pink. Her knuckels turn red and bleed. It's all around messy.

Grandma made a baby cabinets full of plastics for Bella to play with. Thanks Grandma!

Bella received a second chance to open presents. She's getting better and better and ripping the paper and it paying more attention to what's inside versus the packaging.

We've had a great time in Missouri. Matt has had ample time to set up his antenae and radios to talk to people across the world, including Australia! We've eaten like Kings and Queens thanks to my mom and Matt's cooking. We love taking naps too!