Sunday, January 23, 2011

When Kelly Comes to Town!

I love it when Kelly comes to town! It instantly forces us to get together for the occasion. I see friends who live in town and who are available to see anytime, however, somehow I never seem to see....until Kelly comes to town! It's tradition to meet at Mission Burrito which is perfect because the food is good and there is a playground for the little ones to play. It's so refreshing to catch up with friends, to hear updates on their lives, to hear about their kids happenings and to get ideas of what to do at the next phase of growing up. I really enjoy the time we spend together.

Years ago while working at the elementary school with most of these friends, we used to order out to Mission Burrito on a weekly basis. Kelly and I were quite the instigators for this regular treat. We almost always ordered burritos-in-a-bowl-to-go; all with different condiments and special requests. Such good and delicious memories!

This visit to Mission was a bit traumatic for Bella, initially. Okay - she was really just having one of those semi-irrational temper tantrums that almost 2-year-olds do. There was much fussing while getting her jacket on in the car. She absolutely refused to put on shoes*. I thought by walking her in a public place with people starring at her would make a difference, but it didn't. She continued screaming and kicking as we walked in and the crowd stared. We greeted Kelly with screams. When I put her down, she laid right in the middle of the floor yelling and screaming. I would have let her cry it out, except the man eating alone about 3 feet away didn't seem amused or understanding. Outside we went. More screaming, more laying on the concrete. She finally managed to get her jacket off...which is what I guess she wanted the whole time. Yep, 50 degree weather, no shoes, no socks, no jacket, just capri pants and a thin shirt. Oh well! I remind myself frequently that kids don't catch colds from the cold.

The rest of the visit was without incident. She ate and played with the others for a couple of hours. What a relief! In the end, a good time was had by all!

*Ordinarily, Bella loves wearing her shoes. She very often just has her "biaper" and shoes on without anything else. She has a real aversion to socks these days...which has created very stinky shoes and the recurrence of her nick name, Smella.

Check Spelling

back in time...

We went back in time Saturday night when we watched a movie at a drive-in theater. This is according to Matt who has fond memories of going to the drive-in. It was a first for my brother and me. We went to The Showboat Drive In Theater in Hockley, Texas. For $5 you get to watch a double feature in the comforts of your own car.

The gates open at 5:30 pm and the show starts at dusk...or 7 pm. There is a concession stand that has just about any kind of fried food you could want along with clean bathrooms. We went when it was quite cold so we were not sitting outside our cars like the people pictured above, who I'm sure are covered in bug spray.

We heard about the drive-in in August from our babysitter, but there was no way that Matt was going to go during the summer...and I agreed. We remembered about it this weekend and had a good time. We're going to do it again!

We watched The Green Hornet (PG-13) which wasn't the best movie, but it was certainly entertaining. Bella roamed around the car for about half the show, then finally fell asleep in my lap. While roaming she intermittently watched the film. We're going to have to start censoring what she's watching. When a character was talking about reigning over the city, Bella broke out in song with "Rain, Rain, Go away" which she repeated loudly for a while. There were some fakish shooting scenes that Bella reacted with a "ut-oh." I was thinking "ut-oh" too as she was actually realizing what was happening.

We didn't stay for the second movie, but I bet we do the next time we drive out to the drive in.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Birthday Dinner

I celebrated another birthday! Part of the celebration took place in Missouri when my mom made a special meal with yellow cake & chocolate icing cupcakes. Yum!

Matt and I also went out to lunch in Columbia, Missouri at a nice place called Sycamore. I had one of the tastiest grilled cheese sandwiches ever! Matt has some Missouri pork. We didn't actually set out to go to lunch to celebrate my birthday. We found this place while walking up the street and thought it looked good. It was! Afterwards, I told Matt that lunch could count as my birthday dinner. We happily agreed.

On my actual birthday, I asked Matt to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me. He didn't so I half-jokingly said he had to ...or he had to buy and prepare a lobster dinner for me. I really wanted him to sing and thought that the lobster request would encourage him to act goofy and just sing...but nope. He refused.

The next evening he happily bought a lobster (and king crab legs for him) along with a bottle of wine. I entertained Bella while sipping on wine while Matt steamed the creature. We used pliers from the garage to tear into things which made it really fun. Thank you for dinner Matt!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Our friends in Kansas City gave Bella her first set of markers. Instead of using them on paper, she chose to use them on her face. Beautiful!
Who needs all those nice, new toys when you can play with the basket inserts?

a bit shady, don't you think?

Yes, shady. S.H.A.D.Y. Triple Letter Score x 2.

We brought in the New Year over a game of Scrabble.

All bundled for some play in the shed.

Girl Legos!
Lego builders! These men spent an hour building a lego house, including furniture and flowers, a lego car and horse.
Goofy Penny!

A happy Ellie!

dog tired

Bella napped on Grandma's bed...and so did the dogs.

Tiffany visits again!

Tiffany visited again and brought BIG gifts. It was quite a feat for Bella to get into that Christmas bag which was almost as tall as her. Penny helped a bit too.

Bella enjoyed her new toy - a vacuum! Thank you Tiffany!

I really enjoyed a night out! Good times, good food and good conversation! Thank you for driving in to see us!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Quiz 2010

I read Uncharted Waters by Mommy Melee and was inspired to answer the questions that she posed and answered.

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?

We flew around the world to Australia and had a remarkable, unbelievable time.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I wish I could remember the resolutions that I made last year. Maybe I didn't make any because we were just barely surviving being new parents.

For 2011 I resolve to exercise! The plan is to walk in the mornings with Penny, like we used to, before baby (actually we used to run, but I think that's too ambitious for now). I already wake up before everyone else so it's a perfect time to get out and get moving.

The extra side benefit is that Penny can poop on the trail, which I pick up, rather than in our backyard where it sits a day or two before we pick it up.

I know it's not very original, but it's the best I got and I really think it's something that I can actually accomplish.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Yes, a great friend who I once visited while she was living in London. I feel horrible that I have not met her new baby. Work has been hectic and the day I planned to go, Bella was feverish.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

No, thankfully.

Matt's dog died and it was very sad making the decision that it was time. He still talks about her fondly and misses her dearly.

5. What countries did you visit?


6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?

More sleep. Bella is sleeping well, but sometimes I'm still an insomniac! Typical sleep aids have an opposite effect so my quest is to find something that will work without horrible side effects. Sleep deprivation is torturous!

7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

There are not specific dates that stand out in my mind, except the 11th of each month when we're supposed to give Penny her heartworm and flea preventatives.

The first day of Bella's new daycare will remain etched in my memory. It was a great day and I was relieved overall, but also had some hesitation. How was our child going to get enough to eat and drink when they put her food (still jarred) and drink (formula) on a plate and in a cup? She managed somehow and grew up fast in the first few weeks.

A summer day in the community pool when Bella ate tons of watermelon & blueberries then barfed them up on me while in the pool. (Fortunately, or unfortunately, it was all on me and in my swimsuit; no need to evacuate the pool and ruin everyone's fun.) It was one of those hot, summery days that we were enjoying being parents and just laughed and laughed at the situation. We used the family shower and all had a blast.

Halloween was memorable because we celebrated it over and over. We practiced on Friday (school parade), then Saturday (with family) and the real deal was on Sunday (Hollieween!). Also, our neighbor decked out her home with witches, tons of witches and Bella absolutely loved them. She went over to her house often and walked around pointing to each and every witch, repeating "witch, witch, witch".

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Developing a happy, healthy infant to toddler. Sometimes we just had to stand back and be thankful, watch and learn; she led her own development which was magical.

Balancing being a working mother in a relationship.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Not always balancing and prioritizing work, family, friends, sleep appropriately

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

No, just a bug here or there. No injuries. I am thankful to have good health!

11. What was the best thing you bought?

An ergo baby carrier. I can easily carry Bella anywhere. We use it so much when traveling.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

I don't know. Anyone who demonstrated compassion and understanding using humor.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

I worked with some children in a community clinic and I was depressed after discovering that their parents do not talk to them. They prefer for their children to watch hours of television than to actually talk and look at each other. It's sad and my job to teach them that language development requires practice and examples. I'm amazed that even those with low incomes would prefer to bring their children to a speech language pathologist for language development. Although, I'm not complaining too much...once they are in the clinic, it's easy to teach and give "homework" so that the parents have more confidence and know how to talk to their children and everyone wins in that situation.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Mortgage, child care, groceries

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

We're thrilled with all the words and actions that Bella learned to do this year. We taught her a lot and so did day care. They thought of the things that didn't occur to us...and they know the words to songs better than we do. For us, working parents and day care is a great balance.

16. What song will always remind you of 2010?

Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Ring Around the Rosey and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Bella sings them a lot and it's adorable. She learned them from school and shares them spontaneously.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

-happier or sadder? happier, mostly because I'm getting more sleep (ok, I did last night) and Matt and I have figured each other out and work better because of it.

-richer or poorer? the same

-thinner or fatter? thinner by a pound, but still not back to my pre-pregnancy weight - ugh.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

cooked dinner

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

ranting. I should have gone for a walk or something...

20. How did you spend Christmas?

Christmas Eve day we woke up relaxed and went to the zoo. Afterward we visited with my brother's family and opened a few presents then played with them outside with the dogs running wild as they usually do. It's nice to hang out in their backyard because there is so much space for everyone. This time of year the weather is superb!

Christmas morning we woke up early and ate Christmas muffins and opened the remaining presents and emptied stockings. Bella really enjoyed opening presents!

Later, Matt prepared a delicious meal (filet mignon, broccoli rabe, asparagus, salad, potatoes) for us and a coworker, his wife and 5 month old. We enjoyed chatting with the international family (France & West Bank). After they left we had a quiet evening at home. It was really wonderful!

21. Did you fall in love in 2010?

Yes - with Bella! She's a real person now...not this helpless being. Watching her become a person is delightful!

22. What was your favorite TV program?

Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Two and a Half Men

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

I'm not a hater. Sure, I'm annoyed sometimes, but that's normal.

24. What was the best book you read?

I don't read books. I try, but I almost never finish one. I read articles in Better Homes & Gardens.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

A CD that a coworker gave us that has childrens songs, but they aren't cutesy. They are really funny, especially for adults. Of course I can't remember the name of it.

26. What did you want and get?

A healthy happy child.

27. What did you want and not get?

A million dollars so I don't have to work for retirement. I could work for fun...and I would still work even if I had a million dollars. I really love my job.

28. What was your favorite film of this year?

I didn't see any films this year.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

We went out to dinner at Cavatore's. I can't remember who our babysitter was. It was anti-climatic since we were back at work and it was a rainy, yucky day. I was 35. My birthday is after the holidays so everyone is finished partying and has started their new years resolutions, which often involve saving money and losing weight.

This year will be better since we'll still be vacationing!

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

The ability to sleep when I needed to sleep. It's so refreshing and healing for just about any ailment.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?

Whatever fit and was comfortable. I actually purged my closet of bags of clothes that I'll never wear again...for a multitude of reasons. I no longer have a job where I have to sit on the floor so I don't need a dozen cotton pants. I also don't like the look of starched button down shirts on me and they are a pain to iron so I got rid of most of those. I like the alternative look of clothes at Anthropologie, but I can't afford them most of the time. I used to really like Target, but lately I can't find anything there. I'd like to be a 'funky professional' dresser which suits working at a university which should be my resolution this year! I do get lots of examples and hints from my 20 something students, but I often can't pull off their outfits because I'm not pencil thin or young enough to wear a headband (which seems to be one of the latest trends).

32. What kept you sane?

friends (real and online)

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I rarely watch tv for news

34. What political issue stirred you the most?

None. I'm not very political. Ask Matt - he could tell you volumes.

35. Who did you miss?

My parents who no longer live close by. They visit often.

Our friends who moved to Australia. Kimberly was a friend that I've known for many years. They lived close by so we hung out often. Their "baby" was 9 months older than Bella so we learned a lot about what to expect from them.

Our friends who moved to Vietnam. They were first Matt's friends and I loved getting to know them (and Matt through them). They were impressionable - I once mentioned that having a housekeeper occasionally would be helpful. Matt didn't really understand until he heard that they had a housekeeper, then we hired a housekeeper. They also had a daughter 4 months older than Bella so we got a heads up about what was going to happen next too. We also received tons of hand-me-down clothes that we absolutely loved! The wife was a working mom so I could really relate.

36. Who was the best new person you met?

A coworker with much older college aged children. She provides perspective outside of the baby/toddler phase.

I really want to meet another couple like the one who moved to Vietnam. I need to meet other working parents and we need some friends that we can casually hang out with that can accomodate and understand life as parents of a young child.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.


38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Three is a magic number! ...from school house rocks. Our small family of three has grown up (a bit) and I have thoroughly enjoyed this year.

Kansas City

We forgot our camera, but this represents what we saw while visiting Kansas City. Because of winter the water on the fountain was not spraying, but you get the idea.

We visited good friends of ours who moved to Kansas City recently. We miss them in Houston, but really like their new city. KC is very accessible and friendly. There seemed to be a park every couple of miles. As with most mid-west towns and cities, there are four distinct seasons which is a nice contrast to Houston.

I wore my heaviest "coat" which was a corduroy jacket with a scarf on a sunny, but windy and cool day and I was cold!

We had a great time sightseeing and chatting over hot chocolate then eating dinner in their new home using their new grill. Thank you for a wonderful vacation on our vacation!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


We are so thankful that we did not get the barfing bug that was going around. Poor Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, John and Jack.

Cheers to the new year! May it bring peace, love, good health and prosperity!

Christmas Cruise

Here's a non-flashed, cell phone picture of Matt waiting to board the boat for the Christmas Cruise.

A couple of days before Christmas Matt, Bella and I met downtown near the Spaghetti Warehouse parking lot to get excited about going on a Buffalo Bayou boat tour called the Christmas Cruise. The part that made it Christmasy was that the pontoon boat was decked out with holiday lights. We made Bella wear her life jacket which she was happy about at first, but then announced to all that she "no want it!" anymore. We still wanted her to wear it and insisted upon it.

It was an interesting tour of downtown from the perspective of the bayou. We saw the jail that looks like a hotel...but all the windows were facades (which explains why no lights were on). We smelled bats from under the bridges & highways. It was dark but there was a fullish moon so we could see that there were things in the water and could feel a slight thunk as we ran over them which made for a very eery ride. Matt enjoyed the history lesson. I successfully prevented Bella from ripping off a holiday light, losing her balance and falling off the seat into either the hard bottom of the boat or the murky bayou. We saw the oldest piece of concrete...or brick (like I said, it was dark) in Houston and learn about the flooding of downtown. We also learned about the unsuccessful development of channels for the bayou. They didn't work because the water was channeled out leaving the bayou dry.

The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the ride. We recommend it as something a bit different to do in Houston. There was great people-watching too. Whether chatting with other pontoon passengers or observing the homeless people eating a prepared dinner on the dock, it will be a remarkable adventure!