Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby Paulonis

Here's our first picture of our baby! Isn't it the cutest thing?! It was a lot of fun to get our ultrasound. Matt was better at seeing things than I was; he picked out it's nose all on his own! Seeing it move around, especially it's lips was really amazing. I liked seeing it's spine the most. Now that there's just a single, little, blurry picture, it's not as cool, but that's ok. We really were just getting a head count...and yep, there's just one head.

Just FYI: BPD means biparietal diameter (head), HC means head circumference, AC means abdominal circumference and FL means femur length. ...And I found out that my blood type is A+. Matt is O-.

The due date changed to February 18th (Happy Birthday Kimberly!!!!) but our C-section will probably be scheduled on February 11th...or maybe the 9th to appease Matt.

I added a poll to the side so you can guess the sex. Matt thinks it's a boy since it has a long femur bone. I think it's a girl because I really want a girl.

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