Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Penny learns to counter surf

So much for Grandma's cookies....  How good they were, I will never know.

I think Penny was hinting to something as she pointed her nose to the peanut brittle sitting on my desk next to my laptop.  She has taken a liking to zip lock bags lately, first eating the bag holding the instructions for the TV back when I was setting it up, and then again last week when she ate a bag holding a small electronic kit that I was about to assemble.  Both of these were on the coffee table.

I thought Penny had learned her lesson back a couple of months ago when I put her back in her "Room" after swiping the ingredients for my dinner off of the counter while I turned to put a few items in a pan.  My first indication there was her burp before I noticed that half of the sliced steak was missing.  She has been very good for the last few months; not eating tubes of caulk, shoes, or furniture prompting Laura to hold a graduation ceremony for Penny back in the end of June signifying the end of the Room for good.

This evening, it was another subtle hint of guilt.  I hear Laura say "What's this?" as she was working on her laptop while sitting on the couch: it is part of a torn zip lock bag.  At first I think that she has swiped that bag of half-eaten electronic parts from the dining room table, but I find that intact.  However, looking just under the table is another half of the torn bag that was left at Laura's feet; this left me wondering where it came from.  After a quick look through the kitchen, I notice that the bag of Grandma's Christmas cookies is missing from the counter just above the dishwasher, and then glance to a guilty-looking dog sitting sheepishly at Laura's feet by the couch.  

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