Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Falling!

Can you believe it? It's getting slightly cooler and school has begun. School started back 2 weeks ago so we're now in the swing of things. I have a great schedule that allows me to stay at home with Bella some mornings if I want to...and most mornings I want to.

At daycare, Bella has adjusted nicely to new staff. She's no longer the baby as another younger boy has joined the group. There are 4 others that are about a year old and walk! So...Bella's very jealous, but also very motivated to move around. She sits up on her own and can almost crawl. She drags her body across the floor using her upper arm strength! She moves her knees and legs but she hasn't figured out how to make them support weight. If pulling herself along the floor is too slow, then she just rolls and rolls until she gets where she thinks she wants to go. Bella is also eating a lot of baby food. We're introducing her to all kinds of foods. She, like her mom, likes all vegetables. The first time we gave her meat she screamed! hee, hee. We figured out that if we mix it with peas then she'll eat it. By the way, wiping meat off her face, hands, head is really gross! It's balls up and just moves around. Nasty meat!

Matt has a project! He'll be traveling to Mexico and learning Spanish. It sounds great except for the part about leaving me to pick up, feed, bathe and put Bella to bed every Tuesday and Thursday night on my own. I'm going to have to do some negotiating to make this even out.


Paola said...

Go Bella! I love the fact that the temp is falling. It has been a long HOT summer for this pregnant mom!
Miss ya!

Kelly said...

I can not wait to see her again! Such a sweety. Is she now at Uof H or just in another room at her school?

Carolyn said...

You and Bella will do just fine - can't wait to see you - love, mom/grandma