Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday was my 35th birthday! I'm a third of the way to being 105 years old! I think that this second third is going to be the BEST!

Matt and I celebrated by going out to dinner. Matt rushed home from work and we were off to a nearby kid-friendly restaurant. We drank a glass of wine and ordered a great appetizer... then ordered the rest of our meal to-go. It's dramatic how different this year has been compared to the many others. The night before, Bella woke up at 2:30 am. She was inconsolable with Matt (he did try hard) so I held her awhile. I think she was really trying to be the first to wish me happy birthday.

Tonight I attempted to make myself a birthday cake. Matt gave me a fun peace sign cake pan so I wanted to try it out. I was a bit distracted while preparing. I cracked the eggs into the sink, instead of the bowl - dah! Fortunately, we had many more eggs to use. After mixing the ingredients and pouring it into the pan, I realized I forgot to add the oil - double dah! I poured in the oil on top of the mix and tried to blend it in when I smelled something funny. It really wasn't funny when I realized that Duchess pooped in the middle of the floor. That damn incontinent dog! I'm going to hope for sanity and continence in my older years.


Carolyn said...

How was the cake??

Ashley said...

Bummer, this sounds like the time I tried to bake sugar cookies (minus the poop). Happy Birthday!

Paola said...

Happy bday Laura! What a difference a year makes, right?

Kelly said...

35... you are such a baby:)
Happy very belated birthday!
Enjoy... a lot happens the next 10 years!