Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking Back & Forward

Oh how things have changed this year!
Bella was born...
...and doesn't even look like this awkward, little baby anymore.
When the weather was nice, Dad took us on a field trip to see one of his boats.
Bella drooled during pictures, but still looked cute!
Bella and Matt cooled off in the water when the hot, humid, Houston weather became unbearable.
Bella learned to suck her thumb!
Bella enjoyed spending time with her cousin Jack. Jack & Bella were definitely stunned by the camera and all the adults acting crazy.
Bella learned to crawl...
...and pull herself up to become more adventurous.
To make Matt proud, Bella began eating meat (not really from the rib bone, but from baby food).
Bella learned how to open presents by tearing the paper.

It has been one ever-changing year! We have loved watching Bella change and grow up.

Looking forward, we have made resolutions to sleep better, eat better and exercise.


Carolyn said...

Love the pictures and being a GRANDMA!!

Paola said...

Hope that this year is a great as last! Happy New year!