Saturday, January 2, 2010

post holiday

Bella reached and reached for those ornaments and finally succeeded (or did Grandpa help?) at touching a bright, shiny ornament.
Ellie waited at the back door for Penny to come play (i.e. dig holes and kill rabbits), but Penny wasn't allowed. She's developed an allergy to something and turns into Rudolph when she's out for awhile. Literally, Penny's nose turns red and bloody. Her undercoat is pink. Her knuckels turn red and bleed. It's all around messy.

Grandma made a baby cabinets full of plastics for Bella to play with. Thanks Grandma!

Bella received a second chance to open presents. She's getting better and better and ripping the paper and it paying more attention to what's inside versus the packaging.

We've had a great time in Missouri. Matt has had ample time to set up his antenae and radios to talk to people across the world, including Australia! We've eaten like Kings and Queens thanks to my mom and Matt's cooking. We love taking naps too!


Paola said...

So sorry to hear about Bella's allergies . . . i wonder what it could be??

Carolyn said...

It was so much fun having you visit!!

Ashley said...

She's so cute!