Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's confirmed, Bella's first word really was NO. A couple of months ago when I left her with an 'Angel Sitter' who was about 70 years old. Apparently she told Bella "no" a lot when she got near the stairs, near the drawers or near just about anything. When I returned home after a few hours, Bella greeted me with a very audible, intelligible "no" when I picked her up and looked at the babysitter to see how things were when I was gone. I thought it was a fluke, but since then she's said it more clearly and means it. She'll even shake her head which makes her whole body wiggle. It's a really cute, but firm no. Since then she's says "ut-oh" when something falls. She'll also say "ee" when Penny is around, but it's not as consistent and "ee" is in a lot of other words too.

Just wait, soon I'll be posting about her first steps!

P.S. Angel Sitters are certified, licensed baby sitters assigned to you through a broker. You call Papi and she asks how old your child is and what area of Houston you live in. She matches you and voila! a babysitter is sent. It's $10 an hour for a minimum of 4 hours + $10 transportation fee. I thought it was reasonable for last minute child care. Bella was 'sick' according to daycare (very slight fever) and Matt was out of town while I had to go to a meeting.


Carolyn said...

It must be pretty cute to see that body wiggle when she says "no"!!

Ashley said...

It is cute!