Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sailing on Lake Ray Hubbard

This one picture does not describe our weekend. We had the BEST time with Tiffany and Zahid sailing on Lake Ray Hubbard. We drove to Dallas last Saturday morning then boarded the boat a bit after sundown. Tiffany and Zahid time share a Hunter 33. We prepared too much food and brought too much wine. It was all delicious! The weather was absolutely perfect! Bella enjoyed looking around as we sailed across the large lake. Matt and Zahid talked about all their sailing experiences as Bella slept soundly in her car seat below. We were in heaven on earth. It was the perfect evening: good friends, good food, good wine, good conversation, good boat, good baby, good time.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wow!! What a nice weekend!!