Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Our non-traditional tree is becoming more traditional with all the ornaments that Bella has made and received. She made a penguin at school. We also received a snowflake framing a picture of Bella wearing a red Santa hat. Bella opened a present with an Alaskan, feathery girl ornament and a Lithuanian doll, which Bella refers to as herself ("Blahblah" with a tongue flip is how she says her name).
She loved the jingle bell on top of mom and dad's gift. "Dingle bell, dingle bell..."

She carefully rips off the wrapping paper.

Analyzes each piece.

Rip. Tear. Slow. Cherish. Wait. Patience.

Daddy and Penny helped.

She loved her puppets that Santa brought! Moo!


Kelly said...


Carolyn said...

Can't wait to have you visit Grandma's house!!!

Ashley said...

I miss that tree :) So pretty.