Sunday, February 27, 2011

A day at the beach on the Bolivar Peninsula

Last weekend was our first beach outing for the year. In order to make things interesting, we drove down to Galveston to meet Laura's brother John and Bella's cousin Jack and took the ferry across the inlet to the Bolivar Peninsula. We could have easily driven East on I-10 and then down South to High Island, but taking the ferry would be more fun: timewise, its about the same either way. Since Hurricane Ike two years ago, Crystal Beach is a clean windswept beach without a lot to look at other than a few scattered houses and the beach grass like the barrier beaches back up North.

One of the first orders of business was to clean up our immediate area to make it safe for bare feet and paws. There is plenty of small nails and pieces of glass from the many houses that were swept away in the great storm surge that accompanied Hurricane Ike. Penny and Bella spent a lot of time exploring the area surrounding our small camp; here, Bella is insisting that Penny come along with her.

In a great contrast from her "sand hater" phase nearly a year ago in Australia, Bella has no problem running bare-foot in the sand, and in fact, spent a lot of time laying in it and running her hands through it. She even made a "sand angel" in one of her rolls.

Uncle John cam every well prepared for the outing. He set up a sun shelter with table, chairs, grill, and even a large blanket to serve as a rug for our little camp. He even brought a few small kites for Bella and Jack: the wind was perfect for most of the morning for kite flying.

Bella though this was great fun emulating Uncle John, but soon lost interest and started to look around for what to do next.
To really get her camping skills in tune with her current potty training, we fabricated a small camp potty for her using a piece of driftwood, a small piece of styrofoam, and of course the sand. She caught on rather quickly learning the whole concept of balancing on a small board while hanging over a small hole.
Just like potty training at home, Bella makes sure that she gets it all in the right place and that we know about it.
Mission accomplished, back to more fun in the sand..


Carolyn said...

Love the potty picture - way to go Bella!!

Kelly said...

Yep... she is NOT going to be happy about that post one day:)

Lili said...

Por favor, qual a raça do seu cachorro da foto acima ? Obrigada!