Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Daddy's Birthday...

...we celebrated by getting outside in the gorgeous Houston winter weather! Matt loves trains, always has, always we rode the train at Hermann Park. It was quite enjoyable!...and then we were on to feeding the ducks. Bella enjoyed it, but needs to work on her arm. It may look like she has good form, but in actuality none of the pieces of bread were thrown where she intended.
Here Bella is with the skinny ducks. They weren't as interested in the bread as the fat and loud ducks, but they were just as fun.

Can you tell? She's diaper-less! It was our first outing without diapers since we began training 2 days prior. Of course, she fell asleep in her car seat on the way home. Two hours later there was certainly wetness...but we were prepared. She sat on a waterproof pad so no damage was done.

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