Thursday, September 24, 2009


Bella visited Dr. Lai, a pediatric ophthalmologist, and was diagnosed with mild ocular albinism and persistent papillary membrane. PPM is not a big deal; it's basically a small cataract on the side of her eye. The ocular albinism is a bigger deal that we'll watch. We just need to make sure the back of her eyes continue to develop so she can see clearly.

Of course it took me a few minutes after he said it and thought, "OMG - she's an albino!" but she's really not. Then I thought of this student that I saw in a public school who was an albino and had lots of vision problems. She had a wide gait so she walked differently and couldn't read, not that she wasn't bright, but because she couldn't see. Her eyes wiggled back and forth constantly and she wore glasses, but it was apparent that the glasses didn't do much...but they did make her look cute! Anyway, we're on the look out for shaking or crossed eyes. I'm not so worried and keep assuring myself that it's a mild case.


Kelly said...

Sometimes we have been exposed to too much!

Paola said...

Poor Bella - although I am sure that all will be well

Carolyn said...

I love the close up picture - so sweet.

Matt P. said...

Her eyes look fine. Where are her ears?!