Sunday, October 18, 2009

first tooth

Bella's first tooth popped up! The tippy top of her tooth is showing through her bottom gums. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it as we didnt' notice extra drooling, fussing or anything out of the ordinary. It was just there one day. We're looking for more teeth because we're ready for more real food. Baby food is making us go broke! We've trying making homemade baby food and we're somewhat successful. It's just easier to pop open a jar and serve than to get a container out of the frig and warm it up. However, Bella is getting better at eating an appetizer (puffs) while waiting for the real stuff.


Carolyn said...

Wow, your first tooth - that is so cool!!

Carolyn said...

Grandpa says Bella has her mom's eyes!!