Saturday, October 31, 2009

hoof in mouth

Hee hee - it's not really hoof in mouth, it's hand, foot & mouth disease. Bella probably has it. She has a fever. Matt took her to the doctor. She had to be catheterized to get a urine sample - yikes! She had her toe pricked for blood too! We'll find out exactly what's going on on Monday when the cultures come back. Poor baby! Besides a pinky finger that has a rash and a few little bumps on her face, she doesn't seem so bad. We have antibiotics so that will get rid of any bacterial infection. We think she may have a urinary track infection too. All this with new teeth coming in. Yep, she's got two, almost 3!

Matt's been teaching Bella to "moo" but she hasn't caught on yet. She does pretty consistently say "dadada" or "pbffft" (sticking her tongue out and blowing).

Needless to say, our halloween is going to be spent at home making sure we're all well and not spreading viruses.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Poor little lobster - hope she feels better soon!!!